Kit – Passport to Purity KIT – Dennis & Barbara Rainey
A life-changing getaway with your preteen Your child begins the journey into adolescence in a world of sexting, bullying, online stalking and moral defiance. Innocence is under attack, and you cannot win the battle with a single awkward talk or a strict set of rules. The primary defense for your child is a strong relationship with you and with God. FamilyLife has developed Passport2Purity to assist you in building heart-to-heart communication with your preteen while laying a foundation of purity that will prepare them for the turbulent years ahead. Through the shared listening experience, object lessons and guided conversations of a Passport2Purity weekend getaway, you can set your son or daughter on a journey of moral integrity—and strengthen the bond between you. Passport2Purity is designed to be used by a mother and daughter or a father and son when the child is a preteen. It is suggested that the materials be completed over a weekend away from home, as the child may be more open to discussing the topics away from his or her normal environment. If this isn’t possible, the material can be completed over a period of four or five weeks.