Boxed Cards -101 Bread Of Life Promises Cards In Tin
I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35
This verse from the Book of John is the inspiration for the Bread Of Life Promise Cards, which contain 202 Scripture verses about the Lord’s goodness. These Christian cards will nourish your soul, whether you need some encouragement in the morning, throughout the day or before going to bed. An endearing gift for anyone, give the promise cards to someone in your life who needs to be uplifted in their faith journey.
The 101 double-sided Scripture cards are shrink-wrapped and protected in clear packaging, inside a compact, decorative gift tin. John 6:35 appears on the back of the tin box.
• Box Size: 2.12″ x 3.65″ x 1.7″
• Wheat and Sky Pattern
• 101 Double Sided Cards
• 202 Scripture Verses
• Full Color Decorative Gift Tin